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3115 NE Sandy Bvld. #230
Portland, OR 97232

Coaching Topics

Coaching deepens our understanding of self.  It is an avenue for changing out dated beliefs & patterns into forward movement toward the most fulfilling version of your life.  
Coaching works with balancing all of who you are, with all of what you do. 

Common Coaching Topics

-getting un-stuck -navigating personal life challenges -activating personal change
-building self confidence -cultivating curiosity, exploring choices for change -overcoming fears and blocks
-career change or career fulfillment -deepening understanding of personal strengths -enhancing communication skills
-deepening relationship with self -creating long term results vs short term rewards -staying vital on the job
-expanding gratitude & positive perspective -designing your quality of life -confronting your shortcomings
-developing greater self awareness -working through professional challenges -committing to a vision
Decide it’s your time.

©Portland Coaching Collective 2024 -All Rights Reserved